Friday Open Singles.
28- 10 – 2016
1st Noel Kenny(11) 37pts
2nd John Fitzpatrick(5) 37pts
Gross: Bob Loftus(1)Lahinch GC 33pts
3rd Diarmuid O’Connor(7) 36pts
CSS Home / Away 71 = 35pts
1ST Helen Hartnett(26) 28pts
CSS 76 = 33PTS
Gents / Ladies Team of 2 18 Holes S/Ford
1 score to count each hole
Sat.29th / Sun.30th / Mon.31st Oct. 2016
1st Michael Dempsey(19) & John Dempsey(14) 49pts
2nd Tim Kelly(21) & Michael Kerin(21) 48pts
3rd Martin Moran(9) & Niall Townsend(11) 46pts
4th Andrew Whelan(6) & Tom Glynn(13) 46pts
5th Kieran F Ryan(20) & Cyril Corry(10) 46pts
1st Ann A Gallery(24) & Helen Gallery(21) 45pts
DATE: 31 – 10 – 2016 (60 Played)
1st Liam Pyne Steve Burns Jim Dunne (75 – 2) 73pts
2nd Sean O’Gorman Michael Torpey Colin Ryan (73 – 2) 71pts
3rd Nuala D’Auria Michael Culliney Tom Fox 69pts
4th Emer McHale Shane Cosgrove Ken O’Farrell 67pts
5th Ann Dunne Paul Mockler John McEntee 67pts